Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Amy Hansen Blog Post 5: Routman Chapter 3--Share Your Reading Life

“As teachers we need to examine what we do as a reader and make our thinking and practices visible to our students. Our students emulate us and seek to emulate us. When we make our reading lives explicit to our students, their reading lives expand in many directions.” I think this quote pretty much sums up the whole chapter about sharing our reading lives with our students. What better way to help our students than to show how and what and why we as teachers read.

I like that Routman introduces herself as a reader to her students and shares books that she has read or is currently reading. I love to read especially during the summer, but I do find it hard to read during the school year since it is always such a busy time. I know right now I can say am reading for this class, but it is hard to find the time to read for myself. I guess I can always share though what I read at home for fun with my son William. He is signed up for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and I love reading and discovering new books that I get to share with him at home, too. I know this is something I could easily share with my students.

I like her idea of photocopying the cover of a book for each student and then possibly having each student rate that book in some way as a way to maintain a reading log for kindergarten students. I noticed that she mentioned there are examples included in the appendices H, J, and I, but I also really like the one included in appendix G. It’s more for SSR time, but I think it would be easy to create something similar for my kindergarten students as a way to share books with others by using a smiley face, sad face, or a maybe/not sure face to rate their book and could be used as a way to recommend a book to other students as well.


  1. Amy, you hit on a problem we all have during the school year: no time to read books aside from professional texts. Your solution to share books you read with William is perfect. You can also discuss how you read online. We read blogs, Facebook, Instagram and many other online sources. It's a great opportunity to show students that reading doesn't always have to happen in a book.
    I'm also glad you found a way to incorporate the reading logs in the book to your own classroom. I think it's a great idea to have your students rate the books they're reading.

  2. Hi Amy,
    I love how you are making time to read with your own son, William and bringing in your knowledge and enjoyment of the books you read with him into your own classroom. I agree with Routman's point in this chapter that our students need to see us model not just how to read, but why we read and the intrinsic enjoyment that comes from reading about a topic or an author or a genre that you love. Your book review possibility that Routman suggested is one of my favorite ways to integrate reading and writing workshop. Thanks, Dawn
