Friday, November 27, 2015

November Blog Stevie Fields-Ch. 8 Teach Comprehension

Routman says “We are turning out lots of superficial readers. They look and sound competent. They read smoothly…but they are unable to go further.” So far this year, as I’ve spent time conferencing with my students and trying to get to know them as reader, this is something I’ve found to be true. Many of my students are beautiful word callers but their comprehension is another story. Routman goes on to talk about comprehension strategies that can be used in the classroom. I already teach a few of these strategies but one that stood out to me was rereading. I often tell my students to reread the text when they don’t understand and I get frustrated with many of them because I know that they don’t do it. But I realized that I have never discussed with them what it means to reread the text, how to do it, or why they should do.  I just assume that they know what I mean. I like how Routman suggests showing students how rereading can help my comprehension by reading an article, discussing it with them, reading it again and then showing how my understanding of the content has increased. I also liked the list of questions students can ask themselves before or after rereading. Rereading is a strategy I use often and I ask myself some of those very questions when I do it. It now seems obvious that I would model this for them.


  1. Stevie, you're preaching to the choir on this one. Rereading is one strategy that many students can't stand. They don't see the purpose and may not really know what rereading looks like. Your plan to model Routman's suggested teaching technique is great. Showing them how a competent reader learns more after rereading is a good way for them to see the reasoning behind this strategy.

  2. Hi Stevie,
    I agree with Routman that many times as teachers we become so focused on word calling/decoding or vocabulary instruction that we neglect comprehension. We take it for granted that students know and are utilizing the proficient reading strategies that have become automatic for us as readers. Like you, I appreciated the explanation of the importance of modeling and utilizing metacognition or think alouds with students to show them how to apply the strategies in a text they are reading. This goes way beyond just assigning and explaining. I am glad that you found her suggestions and the questions helpful. Thanks, Dawn
