Friday, October 30, 2015

Blog 3- Molly Peake

Blog Post 3- October
Section 1- Not This But That: No More Independent Reading Without Support
Molly Peake

“Finding the Time” is the title of the first section of this chapter.  That is the story of a teacher’s life…finding the time to get everything squeezed into 7 hours a day 5 days a week.  As teachers, our days are packed full with countless numbers of activities, tasks, and chores.  I am lucky and thankful that I work in such an awesome district and school that recognizes the importance of having a period of time in the day, each day, for reading.  Over the past years, my grade level has taught reading by integrating it into either social studies, science, and/or both.  We are now learning how to adopt the model of teaching by using the reading workshop model.  I would love to have a time where students can truly “DEAR”.  This is a work in progress.  There are days when students have time to read silently for an extended period of time on books that they have chosen.  Other days are go, go, go where students do not even have time to pull a book out and read something independently.  The last section of this chapter “More Than Just DEAR” was like a lightning bolt to the head to me.  Just finding time, as mentioned above, in this chapter is just not enough.  “For students do more than race through lots of books, they need a teacher to show them what behaviors they need to practice as they read, and the teacher needs opportunities to monitor and give feedback on how students are using those behaviors.”  I am thankful that my school and district sees that is valuable to learn these modes of teaching and is taking the time to have pull-out sessions to provide teachers with effective ways to have a better reading environment in our classroom.


  1. I'm glad you pinpointed a key idea in the text. It's important that teachers don't just let kids read and have no contact with them. Conferencing is vital when it comes to independent reading time. Students need to have that conversation with a teacher who can guide them in the reading process. You also have a point that some times it's difficult to find time in the day. However, with your shift to the workshop approach, you could build in days where students practice the skill you've taught with books of their choice. I'd love to help with this if it's something you're interested in!

  2. Hi Molly,
    Thank you for valuing independent reading and the support for students' choice of text and scaffolding through modeling in a mini-lesson within independent reading provided in a workshop model. I loved reading that you and your colleagues were interested in trying out a reading workshop model. The components of an effective reading workshop are: mini-lesson, time to apply, conferencing, and share time all informed by the teacher's formative assessments and observations. Let me know how I can continue to support you in this work. Thank you, Dawn
