Friday, October 30, 2015

Karmen Wade - Blog post 2: September: The Pleasure Principle

Karmen Wade - Blog post 2: September: The Pleasure Principle
As a teacher I read a lot. I read several books each day. This article really made me stop and think about the kind of reading that I do each day. I realized that yes I am reading a lot however what am I reading and why? I realized while reading this article that most of the time I am not reading for pleasure more so for requirement. Reading should not be a chore. As a teacher I want all of my students to fall in love with reading. I want my students to want to read all the time. I want my students to think of reading as a pleasure and not something they have to do in order to receive a grade. This article helped me realize that in order to help my students I need to reflect on my own personal view on reading. If I am excited about what I am reading than I can model that excitement for my students.  I can model how to read, how to read and think about what I am reading, and I can also model reading different kinds of genres for my students. I also need to give my students more time to just simply read. Read for fun not for a grade. I loved the part of the article where it talked about taking time to model reading for pleasure for your students. I also liked the idea of sharing with the students different strategies that adults do when they are reading. I am adding this strategy to my reading conferencing topics. I am excited to talk with my student’s one on one about this during our next reading conference!


  1. I'm thrilled to see that you are getting ideas about how to conduct reading conferences. Those are so important to getting to know your readers and helping them make progress. I never really thought to share my personal reading life with my fifth graders either. It makes sense though, that if they see their teachers as readers who don't read as a chore, that they would see the purpose in their own growth as readers. I'd love to see your conferences in action!

  2. Hi Karmen,
    I loved Nancy Atwell's article too for the priority in placed on creating a joy for reading in our students and how to share our reading lives with them. I am thankful that you found several of the strategies helpful for your second graders. You wrote about how you want to model reading a book for enjoyment and modeling proficient reading strategies as well. I am excited about how you will use these with your conferences as well. Perspective and attitude are everything and I agree with Heather when they see the adults in their lives loving to read, they will be encouraged to pick up a book as well. Sincerely, Dawn
