Monday, October 26, 2015

Blog Post #2 Sept. Laying the Foundation

Sept. Blog
Laying the Foundation Article 1
While I do not deal with struggling readers on a regular basis, I do from time to time have a non-verbal gifted student who does need some remediation and help.
Gifted students have cleaver ways in dealing with “not being a good reader”. Many times when they come across an unfamiliar word, the sources of information used is derived from the context clues what the word means, they just substitute another word with similar many and read on.
Sustaining strategies is what this class is all about. Being a research and project based curriculum, most of the assignments are searching, gathering, making the connections, visualizing, self- monitoring, and correcting, summarizing, synthesizing, inferring, questioning, analyzing, adjusting, fluency, and confirming.
Because we are a research base environment, the level of most of the books I keep in the class are above grade level. However, if I have a below level book that has valuable information in it, it is in the collection of resources for the students.

Article 2
Most of the reading that my students do in this class is independent reading as they are searching for information on a certain topic. However, there are times when I use guided reading with articles  then we talk and share our thoughts with each other.   

1 comment:

  1. Horizons and literacy go hand in hand. I'm so glad I've had the chance to see how your class operates. You do so much with reading, writing, and inquiry. These students are engaged in project based work and reading with authentic purpose. They need to find out information in order to complete their challenges. I'm glad you're able to see your curriculum through the lens of this course. You're providing opportunities for you children to interact with texts on a daily basis.
