This quote really stuck with me because it's so true. When I just sat and thought about the people that I loved, I realized how much they had actually taught me, just by modeling it. I thought about my parents and how they modeled to me what marriage is, and what love looked like. I thought about my mom and how she modeled being an amazing teacher. This made me want to become a teacher and help children like she did. I then thought that this can be transferred into the classroom as well. I want my students to feel loved by me here at school. Many of my students don't get to feel the type of love that I felt from my parents and family, so I want to be sure that they feel loved when they are with me. I realize that I can be the model that helps to mold them into the awesome learners that I know they are and can be!
I loved reading the different ways that we can bond with out students. One of the first things that stuck out to me was "model respect". This is a big one because several of my students need help with showing respect to others and belongings. It is important to teach students how to respect each other. I really enjoyed reading the different sayings on page 16 that we can teach our students to use. Another thing that stuck out to me was "sharing stories." I feel that by sharing stories, the students can see that I am actually just like them and that they can relate to me in more ways than they think. i feel that when you have more things in common with someone, you tend to feel more trusting of them and more comfortable with them. Through reading this chapter, as well as taking this course, I am learning the importance of "shared decision making" in the classroom. When giving the students a chance to help make choices in the classroom, it shows that you believe in their ability to make decisions and can help them to become more confident. I am beginning to see students blossom and think more outside the box when I let them take charge in the classroom! I am still learning how to do this, but we are learning together! :)