Friday, April 15, 2016

Lyuda Bentsiy March/April Blog

Routman Chapter 12
You Only Have So Much Time

When I read “How do we do it all and not work sunrise to sunset every day of the week? Teachers are burning out and retiring as quickly as they can in our district” I thought I need to read this chapter because I was wondering the same thing this year. This is my 4th year teaching and I feel like it should be easier but it has not been. There has been a lot of new things that we were encouraged to try and I always felt like there was not enough time to do all the things that we were told to do. Just when I thought I was one step ahead, I was two behind because something else was added to my plate.
I have spent the past few months thinking about how to spend my time better so I could have some time left for me and to do the things that I love to do. I have utilized conferencing and observations with my students more this year than any other year. Doing this has helped me plan my instruction and use my time more effectively.
The question on page 205 “How is this activity helping my students become more independent as readers, writers, and thinkers?” has also been guiding my teaching. I try to make lessons relevant and interesting and I noticed that I rarely have to stop and discipline students. When I read the same thing on page 206, I was encouraged and thought “I’m doing something right!”

I noticed that when I implemented these changes to my teaching and thinking, I have found myself being a more effective teacher. I also enjoy my job more and don’t go home exhausted with a migraine. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lyuda,
    I am glad that Routman's suggestions for helping us evaluate how we spend our teaching time and the questions for helping us make the most of the time we have, have been helpful to you.
