Friday, April 15, 2016

Brittany Daly – Blog Post 7: Miller (2013), Section 2: Why Not? What Works? Why Independent Reading Matters and the Best Practices to Support It

In this section of No More Independent Reading without Support, Miller presents all of the major points we have discussed throughout the year in our class. While many of the points Miller makes are points I have already heard, it has been beneficial for me to read about them again. The more I read, the more inspired I am to keep working on the way I organize my reading instruction.

Miller begins by providing evidence that validates the importance of independent reading, and she focuses on the practices that are critical for effective independent reading. This year, I have tried to provide my students with more time to read. I used to be so focused on my reading lessons that I barely left time for students to actually practice the skills I was teaching. I believe that my students have spent a significantly larger portion of time reading this year. I have also allowed much more student choice this year than in past years. I think this has instilled in my students a desire to read.

One thing that I still need to improve is the way I monitor and assess student reading. I began the year with great intentions. I created my reading conference binder and revised my conference sheets, but as it usually happens, time got away from me. I found that I was almost always occupied by other things when I should have been conducting meaningful, ongoing conferences with students. I know that, “Conferring during IR time can be a meaningful way to make students accountable, provide individual help and guidance, and assess reading progress” (p. 34). I understand the importance of this constant formative assessment, but I just struggle to find the time to do it well with all students. This is an area I intend to continue to work on as next year begins. I have high hopes for next year’s reading instruction, and I am excited to use the tools provided in our two class texts to help me. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittany,
    I am glad that Miller's chapter on the importance of providing support through instruction and on-going assessment for our students' independent reading to be helpful to you! I am excited about the ways we have all grown through this year's course readings.
