Saturday, January 2, 2016

Lynn Brady's December Blog - Miller Section 1

December Blog 5 Lynn Brady: Miller- Section 1 Is There Enough Time?

        Independent reading is my favorite time of the day. I love to sit with a student and listen to them read their books to me. However, during this time I also seem to be policing who is reading, who is walking around the room looking for a book and the dreaded question “What is this word?” I know I don’t have that one-on-one uninterrupted time that I need to be able to fully conference with my students.  I agree with the author that finding time to read can be difficult. I did laugh as I read about all the different activities that the school in Baltimore had going on when trying to find more time to read. Some of the areas that I found funny were the calendar time, dressing the bear, and especially the ten minute morning announcements. Thank goodness we don’t have that at our school.  The article also mentioned about how the teacher needs to talk about students creating or gaining meaning of a text. I understand the need to talk and also have students reflect on their reading. However, this is an area I need to work on. Giving students lots of opportunities to read throughout the day is very important. I feel I provide many reading opportunities for my students but I need to make sure I am taking it a step farther to help them gain the meaning of the text.

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