Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog 2- September- The Pleasure Principle

As a First Grade teacher, I have the privilege of getting the see the light bulbs go off when students finally learn how to read. It is a precious thing to watch a struggling reader remember the sounds and patterns we've gone over and over and over and be able to figure out a "hard" word on their own and start enjoying reading. I have students in my class who can't get enough of reading and ask me if we can just do nothing all day and read. You may think I'm making that up, but I promise I had a student this year ask if we could read all day because he loves it. It would be a very sad thing to watch this student's excitement die down when he got to the higher grades because he love of reading was squished because of filling in the blanks, writing reports and studying vocabulary and other reading activities instead of just enjoying a good book. This article has challenged me to make sure my reading area in my room is a cozy place with lots of resources so students can experience reading with the excitement and comfort that they should. I want to make sure I provide my students with plenty of time to just read and not feel like they are about to be tested on it as well as provide nurture and encouragement in their growing reading skills.


  1. First grade is such a vital time for growing readers. I'm thrilled that you see the importance of making it a priority in your room to provide choice in an area with ample resources. It always bothered me when my fifth graders (or third graders years earlier) told me they hated to read. They didn't hate it when they came as kindergartners and I always wondered what exactly happened. You're right. Standardizing the reading process is taking the joy out of the reading experience. I'm glad you are taking steps to approach reading more holistically.

  2. Hi Erin,
    I smiled when I read about your student who wanted to read all day! I know that blessed you too. I appreciate that you are working to create a positive environment for your students that will encourage them to want to read. Tell me what you thought about Atwell's Bill of Rights in this article. Sincerely, Dawn
