Thursday, October 8, 2015

Miller Ch. 1 Post: Crissy Harris

I read the first chapter Not This: Is there Enough Time?  And is Time Enough to Support Independent Reading? for my October blog post.  I have to say I agreed with the majority of what the author wrote because I do see the importance of using independent reading time within tine classroom, however, I didn't see a lot of suggestions for where to find this precious extra time during the day.  The suggestions the author provided included a lot of classroom management strategies and activities that we don't use in the upper grades such as calendar math.
I do see the importance of giving students a focus during independent reading so they can see the importance of it.  In my classroom students often have a focus skill they should be identifying in their books during independent reading time.  Usually this works well, however, it can be difficult finding a skill that all books contain.
I also see conferencing as a valuable tool to use the classroom.  Conferencing allows a teacher to know the level of the students and to identify their individual needs.  I enjoy conferencing with my students because it not only shows me their academic needs, but it also gives me a chance to get to know my students personally.  I find that students are more likely to communicate their needs and concerns when they feel as though they have a close relationship with the teacher.  It is a great strategy in the classroom but still is difficult to use because of time constraints.


  1. Yours is a common concern. Time is hard to come by in the classroom. One option could be using your reading instruction time a few times a week. You could teach the mini-lesson, use the class text as a shared model, then allow them to practice with their chosen texts as independent practice. I LOVE that you are enjoying conferencing. Having these conversations with students is vital in helping them develop as readers.

  2. Hi Cristin,
    I agree with you that the specific suggestions Miller pointed out were more primary based, however I want to suggest that she is asking that we take a specific look at our schedules, knowing that we wont' find any extra periods of time hanging out there for us to grab, but that we will have to closely reevaluate how we are currently using our time to determine what could be tightened up, restructured, or taken out completely. On a separate note, I loved reading about your student conferences and how these conversations are building great readers. Thanks, Dawn
