Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Marie Duncan Blog #4-Miller Section 3 for November

The following day after reading this section, I carved out another 20 minutes of time to devote to independent reading. It made sense to start letting students simply walk appropriately to line up. No more calling out tables or colors that students are wearing to line up. Let's just cohesively walk slowly and line worked. I spend less time being specific about how to get ready to exit room. I have shorted my instructions to "organize yourself and your desk to reduce your stress before we go out the door." (I have preached specifics enough by the tenth week of school!) This seems to work about 80% of the time now, so that's great. Now, I find myself resorting back to using this time to instruct instead of carving out independent reading time EVERY day. My ADHD students are distracting in group settings; these six struggle to focus and my patience grows thin at times-especially when there are extra demands outside the classroom. I am working on it and realize this comes and goes in waves. Onward as growing, developing teachers.... we go!

1 comment:

  1. I love the positive tone in this post. We are all learning and growing through this process. It's great that you've been able to carve out time from your daily procedures to add to your instructional time. What kinds of mini-lessons or reading strategies are you focusing on during your independent reading? If students have a goal for their reading time, it could reduce off task behaviors.
